Didgeridoo Pranayama
Behind the Scenes
This page strives to give all the information that a Yoga studio, venue or festival needs to know to be able to host a didgeridoo pranayama workshop. I value your feedback and will continually update this page into the future.
Si Mullumby - Didgeridoo Pranayama Founder
[email protected]
whatsapp +61422266235
Facebook: Si Mullumby
Si Mullumby - Didgeridoo Pranayama Founder
[email protected]
whatsapp +61422266235
Facebook: Si Mullumby
Workshop Length:
The workshop can be from 90 minutes to 2 hours in length. 2 hours is perfect however. The workshop is designed to flow like a yoga class and operates on very similar principals.
Procedure for 2 hour workshop:
This is the general flow of a 2 hour workshop. Timings are subject to change depending on what is best for the group.
Please Note: This information is not for public display, more just to give an idea of the class flow.
0 -10min Introduction
10-20min learning the breathing technique
20-25min AUM Meditation
25-40min Breathing Cycle I
40-55min Breathing Cycle II
55-65min Chi Gung
70-75min AUM Meditation part II
75-90min Breathing Cycle III
90-95min AUM Meditation III
95-115min Savasana with Didgeridoo Sound Bath
115-120min Closing Circle
Space Requirements and Set Up:
Any space can be used for a Didgeridoo Pranayama Session (DP for short). The basic set is in a circle of , sitting on the floor. The workshop is mostly seated, focused on breath, however there are chi gung elements to open specific meridians and encourage good blood flow and comfort throughout the class.
Number of People in the Space:
A general rule is that DP can handle slightly more than a room full of yoga mats. During most of the process participants are seated, however there is a lay down savasana sound healing at the end for about 20 minutes.
Price Structure:
DP likes to set it's price to be affordable, yet take into consideration elements that are needed to bring the event together. These elements include travel, accomodation, guest musicians and any thing else that adds to the cost of either party.
Standard Arrangement in Australia is a 70/30% split after expense are taken out in the favour of DP. Negotiable depending on situation.
Mailing List:
Requests to receive the mailing list from the people who have purchased tickets to the events or who's email addresses are obtained during the event.
Technical Support
Most workshops can be run acoustically. Larger spaces may need amplification. Please contact Si directly for more information.
This is a folder that contains images of workshop, promo images of Si and also a pdf of a typical DP poster.
Go to Dropbox Folder Here
Didgeridoo Pranayama Workshop
World-renowned musician Si Mullumby has developed a unique, uplifting workshop using the sound of didgeridoo, meditation and breathwork to cultivate prana - life-force energy. Experience the powerful resonance of the didgeridoo that will guide a collective journey through breath into a grounded, blissful state of energy and clarity.
From meditation on sacred sound of Aum, you’ll transition into the special repetitive breathing technique, held in motion by the vibration of the didgeridoo. Experience the primeval, rhythmic oscillations that will activate the para-sympathetic nervous system to ground and connect you to spirit.
Didgeridoo Pranayama is a workshop that offers all the virtues of playing didgeridoo without all the years that it takes to master. For the first time Si is sharing his life’s work exploring the power of breathing patterns as a tool for actively exploring the inner realms.